
Another One Down: Hope Hicks Resigning as White House Communications Director

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/28/2018 4:07:10 pm PST

Re: NRO, I’m glad re: #143 KGxvi

Eh, arguing policy is fine, personal attacks not so much (see SMOTI). But this line was interesting:

That is an incredibly foolish line. He knew (or at least knew of) the shooter. He saw the weapons used to kill several people just like him. And beyond that, even if it doesn’t give you insight into the cause, it gives you insight into the - for lack of a better word - execution of those crimes. Hogg saw first hand the effect that the business end of semi-automatic weapons have on people. Talking about the tools of said crime when you’ve seen them in action is pretty fucking simple, isn’t it?

He knows more about the first hand effects of gun violence than most NRO writers yet no one tells them they have no credibility to talk about guns. The article is NR’s bread and butter. Condescending bullshit.