
Video: Seth Meyers on Conor Lamb's Win, Trump's "Space Force" and #NationalStudentWalkout

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/15/2018 8:23:08 am PDT

re: #146 Jay C

And wingnuts’ gibberings about the Hitlerjugend or Khmer Rouge don’t really help: the #NeverAgain movement looks to be one of those rare events in American political life: a truly spontaneous organizing with a decentralized, if consistent leadership. I’m sure one of the things that probably gives cranks like May the serious willies is the realization that the majority of the kids walking out of their schools in protest are likely to dismiss him and his ilk for the uptight authoritarian assholes they are, citations of “God” notwithstanding…

I really, really hope I can live to be a hundred (2049), just to see this generation take charge and the Donald Mays, Alex Joneses, and Rush Limbaughs of the world consigned to the dustbin of history.