
A Christmas Song That Means Something: The Pogues, "Fairytale of New York"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/25/2020 5:53:37 am PST
Splendid news, everyone! Or terrible news, everyone! You know, depending on your perspective. This story came out in the Christian Post last week, so technically it’s old news, but we figured all y’all have probably been playing hooky from your Christian Post reading for … ever … so it’s new news for you.

Anyway, in honor of Christmas, we regret/are thrilled to inform you that the most common category of religious belief among American youngs is now “nope.” Indeed, according to the American Enterprise Institute’s new study from its Survey Center on American Life, the most common religious affiliation among those 18-29 in America is “none.”

YOU DID IT, KIDS! YOU KILLED GOD! Or at least 34 percent of the youngs, who picked “none.”

(more at Wonkette)

Merry Christmas, Youngs! You Killed God.