
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Hecuba's daughter4/18/2022 8:02:57 am PDT

re: #134 No Malarkey!

Maybe, eventually. The “good” things about Trump, if he becomes president again, is that he is corrupt, ignorant and lazy, so he won’t effectively wield power to crush all opposition like an ideologically committed fascist would. We still have functioning courts which uphold the rule of law, as shown by the many victories Marc Elias has won defending democracy. And I still hold out hope that the American people won’t lay down and accept fascism. So we’ll see.

He may be corrupt, ignorant, and lazy but his aides are evil and many are devoted fascists. There is no reason to believe that, under our Constitution, fascism cannot be imposed on an accepting American public. Everyone who continues to vote for the GOP has announced that fascism and white supremacy are fine with them. You don’t need support of a majority of the population — 1/3 of the population in the right states is more than enough to end the American experiment.