
Absolutely Stunning: Antoine Boyer, "10 Contrepoints (Integral)"

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion5/14/2022 2:54:40 am PDT

re: #137 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

I had to go to the grocery store earlier today, and just out of curiosity I strolled down the aisle that has all the baby products. The store does not generally carry mass quantities of formula, but seemed to have over 50% of it’s normal max stock. In fact it looked like there was 1 particular brand/type that was out of stock and everything else was fine.

So I’m filing this under more exaggerated bullshit or regional problems being blown up to national.

I also checked dog and cat food. That aisle was almost completely packed. I had trouble finding a couple specific types of cat food several months ago. There were dozens of them now. So this is either another non-problem that is being lied about, a regional issue rather than a national one, a problem with specific manufacturers only that’s being blown out of proportion, or a recycled talking point from a long time ago that is no longer valid but they know no one will call them on.

Speaking of them just making shit up. I saw Fox anchors claim (as if any of these fuckers actually go into stores themselves) that milk is $11/gallon in New York.

I can’t speak for New York, but in Southern California, depending on brand it is between 2.79-4.99 per gallon. If you want overpriced organic bullshit it’s $7-8 per gallon.

No one calls them on this bullshit. It’s like last year when gas was…. let me check, $4.25/gallon in California, Clownstick was telling people at his rallies that it was $7.50. No one called him out on that bullshit.

Can one person in the media just once call these people out on their bullshit. It’s not hard.