
Some More News: Loud, Celebrity Politicians - Part Two: The Democrats

Dangerman1/31/2024 2:37:15 pm PST
In a video obtained by Rolling Stone, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) declared on Tuesday: “Congress doesn’t have to do anything to secure our southern border and fix it.”

Said Nehls: “Why would I help Joe Biden approve his dismal 33% approval rating when he can fix the border and secure it on his own? He can secure it on his own through executive order.”

While waving around a cigar outside of the Capitol, he went on to cite Donald Trump’s slew of executive orders addressing immigration, many of which were ultimately found to be unconstitutional.

aside from being an all around asshat:

A new Quinnipiac poll finds Joe Biden leads Donald Trump nationally by 50% to 44% among registered voters in a hypothetical general election matchup.

Key finding: Women support Biden, 58 % to 36%, up from December when it was 53% to 41%.

Said pollster Tim Malloy: “The gender demographic tells a story to keep an eye on. Propelled by female voters in just the past few weeks, the head-to-head tie with Trump morphs into a modest lead for Biden.”

people express themselves with approval ratings
nobody votes approval ratings
they vote the options in front of them