
No More War

Silvergirl5/15/2009 4:11:11 pm PDT

re: #131 SixDegrees

Uh - what?

The current illegal drug purveyors are already marketing to kids. Walk into any high school and you’ll find just about any drug you could ever want available for sale, most with no waiting. Legalizing drugs would place them in the same regulated category as alcohol, which is actually more difficult for kids to obtain than drugs are in most places.

And that’s just in high schools. If tragedy and disaster are looming at the university level, they’ve been awfully quiet about it. College campuses are cesspools of drug abuse, with ready availability, eager customers and no quality control at all.

It’s hard for me to see how legalization could possibly make thing any worse than they already are. It would more likely make things better overall, as the violent buttholes who profit from trade in illegal drugs are put out of business. I’m certainly no fan of illicit drug use, by anyone, but complaining that legalization will somehow open the door to kids abusing drugs is just silly - they’re already doing it, and all the law enforcement efforts deployed against the drug trade have had absolutely no effect at all on those sales.

They took the soda machines out of most of the schools in the U.S. There aren’t any cigarette machines that I know of, at least not in K through 12. Should we put in state sanctioned marijuana machines? Go from Coca-Cola to cocaine?