
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Jimash10/20/2009 4:00:48 pm PDT

re: #141 mr.JA

So, if everything i said was false, then it must follow that you are asserting that there will not be, can not be another Ice Age.
Or was I right about that part ?
There were warm periods before.
The clip from the paper quoted refers to the pCo2 concentration being synchronous with the Ice sheeting ?
Where did THAT Co2 come from ? ( and “Synchronous” is weasely)

” It is like arguing that in the past, a cat knocked over a fishbowl, and an earthquake knocked over a fish bowl - but because of that, you can’t.”

No, it’s more like arguing that and earthquake knocked over a house,
A hurricane knocked over a house.
Regardless, you cannot knock over a house.

I read a scary story about “nuclear winter”. It was very precise and described just how may bombs of what strength over how many cities would do that trick.
The megatonnage accounted for every single bomb on the planet. What are the odds eh ?
Its similar here.
You could tell me that such and such might happen, that we shouldn’t fool with it too much, that it might be good to clean up on some stuff.
But don’t keep telling me its going to be Venus here. Its not.

I’ll tell you, I have adjusted my energy requirements as much as I am going to.
( no windmill or Solar roof yet but maybe)
The lightbulbs are making me blind.
I drive a tiny ULEV vehicle. My wife, a hybrid.
I’ll do my part in the name of non-polluting and energy efficiency.
Just don’t feed me fairy stories about how the climate was in some magical equilibrium that man has upset.