
Video: Are Climatologists Censoring Scientific Journals? (A: No)

Summer Seale12/16/2009 11:28:27 pm PST

re: #135 Slumbering Behemoth

That’s fine. I am unfamiliar with UncleSam, so I do not know what motivates his/her posts. I too was a skeptic/denier on certain scientific issues before I found credible resources with which to educate myself. Charles’ work here has helped significantly in disabusing me of certain ignorant notions.

That isn’t what bothers me. What bothers me is that he comes in here with completely discredited talking points which, if he actually was interested in the subject to learn something about it, he would have learned a while ago were worthless crap by this point.

They’ve been addressed again and again. And just like Creationists, they never, ever, listen to the evidence. All they do is clap their hands over their ears and keep shouting out the same fucking bullshit as if it makes it true.

It doesn’t make it true. It’s utter crap. They’re liars. They just lie, and lie, and lie. They make claims that it’s just about commies trying to take away your “freedom” and “money”, they claim that everyone thought there would be an ice age in the 1970’s, and they really don’t listen to anything that tells them that all those talking points are made up bullshit.

I too was a skeptic for a while. Like Charles, I kept my mind open and listened and read on the subject. I didn’t go around repeating the crap after I had been smart enough to read that some things I had been told were completely untrue. It took me all of a few minutes to read that there were serious problems with what I had been told.

This guy, however, kept repeating the same bullshit. We’ve addressed these issues here ad nauseum. He just isn’t interested. To him, it’s all a plot about taking away your freedom and money - he said that himself. That not only makes him an uninformed and disinterested party to the truth, but it also makes him a fucking moron to think that it’s one grand conspiracy theory.

And again, it makes him a liar for continuing to repeat those claims over and over again.

He’s scum, and I make no bones about calling him that.