
Breitbart's Big Government Finally Retracts False Claim

Gus1/04/2010 9:03:36 pm PST

re: #137 Egregious Philbin

Quick OT, Oily Tights now says Rush Limbaugh was attacked by some seekrit neuro magnetic ray guy…by the NWO!!!

Orly, totally insane as always


There are numerous Americans who have felt the scorn of Obama from Rod Blagojevich in legal remedy, John Edwards in being smeared, Elliot Spitzer to being outed, Lawrence Sinclair to being set up, and numerous bloggers who have had their emails tapped and other situations they do not quite comprehend as just flukes. The technology is there to do what Rush Limbaugh experienced. It is time that Republicans in Congress started asking the DOD just what is available in Star Wars and if Mr. Limbaugh’s symptoms could be mimicked to create exactly what he suffered from.

Strange is it not when it is the globalist backed ilk making wild claims about things Americans are doing the internet is alive with accusations, but when it is someone like Rush Limbaugh suffering from what looks like a neuro electric attack, all of these protectors of the world, seem never to notice or write one story or have one program on who just tried to assassinate Rush Hudson Limbaugh.