

Sabnen1/28/2010 2:44:51 am PST

re: #136 Cannadian Club Akbar

Yes, it is very cool to see a President. Went to a West Point graduation over which W presided. I was very impressed with the security (even at West Point!).

I was also impressed with W, he handed out every diploma and shook every cadet’s hand. Some cadets brought cameras along and he would pose (quickly) with them for a picture after the hand-off of the diploma and handshake, and not miss a beat in the procession of graduates. You could see he was getting exhausted near the end of the exercises.

The best part was the departure … we were driving throug Throphy Point, near The Plain, when the MP’s stopped our car (and everybody else’s on the road). After two minutes of waiting, four identical Marine helicopters lept into the air, simultaneously, and flew/swooped off in different direcions, with a roar I’ll never forget. Very cool.