
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/27/2010 11:42:40 am PDT

re: #136 marjoriemoon

Really?? So where were these Teabaggers prior to January 2009? Having a cup of Earl Gray?

They were getting zero press coverage. Look around Luap Nor related sites and you’ll find evidence of Tea Parties going back to mid-Bush Administration if not longer. But they were fringe kooks worse than ANSWER and Code Pinkos so the MSM ignored them, and The Right-wing blog/talk radio/FOX sphere marginalized them as anti-war kooks if they acknowledged them at all. It wasn’t until the ‘Sekrit Moozlim Kenyan Commie Fascist’ got into office that the Right embraced this movement.

There’s a reason 9/11 troofers show up at Tea Parties… they were there first.