
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)9/21/2010 12:05:26 pm PDT

re: #145 DaddyG

Heh. To be quite honest the missionaries don’t like bashing on peoples doors on Saturday morning either. They much prefer to make appointments with people who call the church information line or who are referred by friends (with permission).

That was hilarious though. He did get one thing wrong. The suicide cults wear purple robes not orange. :-D

My father took a sort of perverse glee in inviting the door-to-door folk in and then politely backing them into logical corners. Combination of a Catholic upbringing, college education as an engineer, and a warped sense of humor.

(The Steve Martin bit about speaking gibberish around a friend’s child so that they learn English all wrong would have been something he would pull. Give him a chance to yank someone’s chain good and hard and he would seriously consider doing it. And it wasn’t just him, that whole side of the family is insane. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)