
New Poll: 51% of Likely GOP Voters Are Birthers

recusancy2/15/2011 5:05:00 pm PST

re: #148 Dmon

Kasich is trying to take away collective bargaing in Ohio, with GOP controll it could very likely happen. I am union firefighters here. There are whole bunch of shellshocked tea party firefighters at the firehouse, when I give them shit about voting the Republicans in, they say, “We didn’t think they would do this”. I ask them if they thoughtthey had just been kidding for the last 30 years when they said that public unions had to go. I also tell them not to worry, once we get our pay cut in half, I’m sure we’ll get a $300 per year tax cut to make up for it… Talk about voting against your own interests…

Same thing’s going on in WI.