
Stephen Colbert: That Bile-Spewing Wasserman Schultz

Fozzie Bear7/21/2011 1:10:25 pm PDT

re: #142 Killgore Trout

I try to encourage people to build their own PC’s , usually without much luck. It;s really pretty easy. Tab A into slot B etc, a couple dip switch settings, etc. I’m not the most tech savvy guy and even I can do it. Beats the hell out of buying something off the rack and much cheaper too.

I’ve been evangelizing this idea as well to all my friends. It’s not that hard, and its empowering. All it takes is the ability to follow instructions, a couple of small screwdrivers, and an afternoon of your time.

In return you get to save a lot of money, and you have a lot better idea how it works so that when something breaks, you are much more confident in fixing it.
