
The Tom Tancredo-Robert Spencer-Pamela Geller Convergence

goddamnedfrank9/28/2011 8:54:26 pm PDT

re: #138 Dark_Falcon

What the Hell brought that on?

You display a consistent and absolutely appalling empathy deficit, and you know it. You’ve stated that you won’t even try to put yourself in a woman’s shoes because you’re not a woman and you find the task simply beyond your capabilities. Same with gays, blacks, anybody you’re not has some point of view that you won’t even try on for size. You embrace lies, and when confronted about them make excuses for their necessity or just disappear. You’ve stated that many of your beliefs stem simply from the word of people you trust, with no critical examination or real self thought. Now you sit here and advocate forcing pregnant women to go through a counseling session before they can control their bodies. The shape or form of that counseling session is in fact irrelevant, you’re advocating that people other than you, people you refuse to even try to empathize with, be forced to listen to an external evaluation of their condition, in effect a physical and mental health evaluation. This, coming from you, makes me laugh.