
Video: Andrew Breitbart Spews Profanities and Insults at TeaCon

TedStriker10/01/2011 2:06:38 pm PDT

re: #123 Killgore Trout


The League for the Fourth International (LFI) is a Trotskyist international organisation, whose most noteworthy section is the Internationalist Group/Grupo Internacionalista in the United States. It has other affiliates in Mexico, Brazil and France. All of these are very small and based in at most one or two cities.[1][2] Like other international Trotskyist groups, it fights for “international socialist revolution, the conquest of power by the working class, led by its Leninist party.”

I guar-damn-tee you that, relatively speaking, the hardcore “Leninist/Trotskyite” groups are but a handful of the people involved in the OWS stuff and they certainly not running the show.

Most sane people just aren’t down for that flavor of moonbat-ism, just as most are not copacetic with Stormfronters or the Pauls’ vision of “libertarianism”. Won’t stop the fringes from trying to horn in, though…