
Jon Stewart: The Battle for the War on Women

goddamnedfrank4/17/2012 3:06:42 pm PDT

re: #120 Killgore Trout

That assumes the story ABC was the first to report the story. According to this timeline Rolling Stone reported it in their February issue and Obama’s statement was on March 14th.

The Ben Wallace-Wells article in Rolling Stone didn’t quote the god damn America speech.

And there is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a sprawling, profane bear of a preacher, a kind of black ministerial institution, with his own radio shows and guest preaching gigs across the country. Wright takes the pulpit here one Sunday and solemnly, sonorously declares that he will recite ten essential facts about the United States. “Fact number one: We’ve got more black men in prison than there are in college,” he intones. “Fact number two: Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!” There is thumping applause; Wright has a cadence and power that make Obama sound like John Kerry. Now the reverend begins to preach. “We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional KILLERS… . We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God… . We conducted radiation experiments on our own people… . We care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means!” The crowd whoops and amens as Wright builds to his climax: “And. And. And! GAWD! Has GOT! To be SICK! OF THIS SH*T!”

Obama is quoted in that article as well:

MR. GIBSON: And if you knew he got rough in sermons, why did it take you more than a year to publicly disassociate yourself from his remarks?

SENATOR OBAMA: Well, understand that I hadn’t seen the remarks that ended up playing on youTube repeatedly. This was a set of remarks that had been quoted in Rolling Stone Magazine and we looked at them and I thought that they would be a distraction since he had just put them forward.

But, Charlie, I’ve discussed this extensively. Reverend Wright is somebody who made controversial statements but they were not of the sort that we saw that offended so many Americans. And that’s why I specifically said that these comments were objectionable; they’re not comments that I believe in. (emphasis added)

Now you can shift here and say that the god damn America statement doesn’t matter, but that’s exactly the statement you are asserting was unchallenged for days, when in fact Obama denounced Wright the very next day after it was published in the press.

You are an incredibly lazy researcher.