
Republicans Just Changed the Rules AFTER a Virginia Election to Change the Outcome

Amory Blaine11/10/2013 11:33:11 am PST


Darth Vader NO!

The Onion will end its print run in December, closing up shop in final three cities

Satirical newspaper The Onion will soon be only a satirical website. Today, Chicago Business announced that the remaining three print markets — Chicago, Milwaukee, and Providence, Rhode Island — will close up shop after the December 12th edition. Responding to the closure, company president Mike McAvoy told Chicago Business in an interview that “it’s important to see The Onion succeed,” despite sadness at the change. At its peak, The Onion was printed in nearly 20 cities, but that number has been steadily shrinking in recent years. In 2010, it decided to fully franchise its print edition — local companies would license Onion content, sell their own ads, and print and distribute the free papers on their own. “We have no intention of abandoning our print roots,” said CEO Steve Hannah at the time.