
Radio Hosts Jim Garrow and Pete Santilli Openly Call for Military Coup Against Obama

Testy Toad T1/07/2014 12:16:08 pm PST

re: #8 SteveMcGazi

On this coup subject. A lot of posters seem to be mocking the concept. It’s not that far-fetched.

If #’s 1 and 2 are gone, #3 is the President and C in C by law. The military will take orders from him. They will not be shooting 155 mm howitzers at anybody. The reason these clowns think they only need 3% of the population is that they. like the rest of the enemies of the US throughout history, think that the population is soft and decadent. They remember how the Dems griped (but accepted) about the Supreme Court’s selection of George W. Bush as President and they never vowed to make him a one term President and block everything he tried to accomplish. The would be Coupers also know that thanks to Gerrymandering, most Congressional seats are locked in. Very few votes are needed to swing the control to the other side. Combine these concepts with some more voter restriction laws, and they can nullify a national election.

What you describe is a President John Boehner, acting with all of the regular powers and responsibilities of a sitting president, put into place by criminal actions by third parties. I’m not clear how this would in any way constitute a “coup”, and indeed I’m not clear on what lawful orders from aforementioned hypothetical president the military would follow that would change that.

If there’s a profound thought to be found in here, I’m afraid I’m missing it. Sounds like dreary concern-mongering that is only tangentially related to the discussion at hand.