
New Bombshell From the Intercept: GCHQ Asked NSA for Something, We Don't Know if They Got It

b.d.4/30/2014 11:56:05 am PDT

re: #11 Justanotherhuman

Where Gallagher’s assumption (not fact, as far as I’m concerned) first breaks apart:

“But according to a top-secret document in the archive of material provided to The Intercept by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden…”

They’re still trying the stealth approach to rehabbing Snowden’s reputation, and I was totally unaware that Snowden ever passed on an “archive of material” to The Intercept, unless The Intercept is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Greenwald who had to be the one who provided the damned stuff, even after he denied having more than a few documents.

So, was that what Miranda was sent to Berlin for after all? And did they manage to get it through another route?

Getting “revenge” on the GCHQ and NSA in one fell swoop?

Good catch. The Intercept didn’t even exist when Snowden claimed to have ditched all of his material?