
Drudge Touts Claims That Illegal Aliens Are Source of Enterovirus Outbreak

Charles Johnson9/18/2014 10:32:18 am PDT

On a similar note, Newt Gingrich is the latest to spout absurd claims that undocumented immigrants are bringing ebola into the US: Gingrich, Delay and the Freshman GOP Class of 1994 Reunite on Hill

Gingrich and DeLay also fielded questions about immigration policy, though neither acknowledged the growing realization among many of their peers that if the GOP doesn’t take some affirmative stance on the issue in the next two years, they could pay for it at the polls in 2016.

Gingrich said a porous border meant undocumented individuals could come into the United States carrying Ebola.

Yes, Tom DeLay is back.