
Are You Ready for Another Condescending, Insulting Ad From Republicans?

jaunte10/01/2014 11:44:33 am PDT

And they seriously think it will work:

The ad, running for a full minute, is longer than most, and its content stands out amid the more staged candidate-run ads and the ominous issue ads run by outside groups. The trick, says CRNC national chairman Alex Smith, is to start a conversation.

“How do you reach the generation that has their earbuds in and their minds turned off to traditional advertising?” she said. “It’s our goal to start the conversation by presenting ourselves in a culturally relevant way.”

Other ads the group is rolling out will look to draw from young people’s everyday experiences. One ad, which will be targeted at users in Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin, features a student asking a Democratic politician a series of questions about his plans over text. The politician dashes off a quick response: “k.”

“It might appear to be silly on the surface, but there’s absolutely a deeper meaning that will resonate with young voters,” Ms. Smith said. “It’s representative of how Democrats treat young voters - they take them for granted.”