
Republicans Realizing They Made a Bad Mistake: That Iran Letter Was a "Light-Hearted, Cheeky" Joke

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/10/2015 6:22:18 pm PDT

Really Republicans does having a black president really bother you that much? Does having to hear Hail to the Chief being played for a dark skinned man enrage you that much? Does knowing that Barack Obama is only one of three presidents since WWII to get over 50% of the vote in both of his elections really infuriate you that much? Does knowing that Barack Obama will go down in history more admired and remembered than any of your leaders from this era? The last one should but you guys did this to yourself by trying to sabotage him for the sin of winning the 2008 presidential election and being a black Democrat with a Kenyan father.