
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show: Thuggery Stuff

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/16/2016 10:23:11 pm PDT

I’ve been playing around with the chronological relationships among various personal and historical events. I think I got the idea from some clickbait site, but it can nevertheless lead to some odd realizations.

For instance:

My birthdate (June 21, 1949) is closer in time to the administration of Benjamin Harrison (which ended March 4th, 1893) than to that of Barack Obama (January 20, 2009).
It was also closer to the final capture of Geronimo (January 6th, 1886) than to the present day.
The sinking of the Titanic was nearly as recent when I was born (37 years 2 months) as the Three Mile Island nuclear accident is today (March 28, 1979).
Someone who was my present age when I born (66) would have been born in 1883, when Chester A. Arthur was president.
People who were still alive when I was born: Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, Josef Stalin, among many others. I missed Orville Wright by just a year.
Incidentally, the first airplane flight was not as far in the past then (45 years, 7 months) as the first Moon landing is today.
Hirohito had already been Emperor of Japan for 23 years by then and would reign another 40. Otoh, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand had been on the throne for 2 years and remains there to this day.
So far, Obama has been the only President of the United States who was born after I was. With any luck, that will hold up for a few more years, since Hillary Clinton in slightly older than I am, while Ted Cruz is much younger. Unfortunately, Trump is also older.
I don’t feel old most of the time, but I know that I AM old. Sometimes I rather like it, not that there is much choice.

Corrected for bad math.