
Shock Waves Spread Through Washington After Trump Jr.'s Contacts With Russians Exposed

Alephnaught7/10/2017 11:07:53 am PDT

Ugh, words fail me. (Almost)

Tories ‘urgently investigating’ after MP uses N-word at public event

What’s amazing to me is when you look at the actual quote, the use of the N-word is completely ridiculous, without any rhyme or reason. It’s an archaic turn of phrase, which has- for obvious reasons- fallen out of use, and plenty of other contemporary phrases have supplanted it, all of which would make more sense to todays audience. Yet, the MP went with:

“Now I’m sure there will be many people who’ll challenge that, but my response and my request is look at the detail, it isn’t all doom and gloom,” she said in the recording made by Huffington Post. “Now we get to the real n***** in the woodpile, which is, in two years what happens if there is no deal?”

That’s not just grossly offensive, it’s senselessly, stupidly, and anachronistically offensive.