
John Oliver's Deep Dive Into a Subject Trump Knows Zero About: Automation [VIDEO]

Eclectic Cyborg3/04/2019 12:05:07 pm PST

Someone in the last thread made a comment about how the perception of the Democrats as the party that focuses on minorities hurts their standing among whites.

That’s interesting, because the GOP has made it clear they don’t give a shit about minorities, except those few token individuals who shared their jacked up ideology. Thus, the Democratic party is forced to do big things to appeal to minorities lest they (minorities) feel completely maligned by the U.S. political system.

This is not happening at the expense of whites. Just because we aren’t front and center all the time in the progressive moment doesn’t mean we aren’t needed or valued.

The sad truth is this:

For whites, there are two parties to choose from.

For minorities, there is functionally only one.