
Ze Frank Would Like to Teach You Some True Facts About the Ogre Faced Spider [VIDEO]

ckkatz9/29/2019 2:06:01 pm PDT

From last thread:

re: #357 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Thanks for posting this!

First thoughts…

1. Isn’t Al Jazeera owned by the Saudi family? Is this a vote by MBS to drag us into the mess he created by stirring up the hornets nest? And conflict against Iran?
(Correction - The Quataris own Al Jazeera, the Saudis own Al-Arabiya.)

2. The Saudis have been abusing on the Shiites for decades.

3. This likely pathetic performance by the Saudi military is consistent with their historical performance. And it is unlikely to change as the Saudis will not reform the military until they reform their entire government away from the Royal Family.

Edit to add correction to point #1. And… second edit to correct typo in correction #1 (Saufdis - Saudis)