
Hear That Sound? Those Are the War Drums.

Citizen K1/03/2020 10:24:15 am PST

re: #14 HappyWarrior

The GOP gets us into messes. Dems get us out. And then when enough people forget about those messes, the GOP comes back. The Republican Party when they’re not getting us into foreign policy messes are also fiscally reckless. The least bad Republican presidents since WWII have been ones that the conservatives despised whether they be named Ike, Ford, or HW Bush.

They don’t even have to forget the messes. They just have to be quickly convinced that the mess was the Dems’ fault all along. Why do you think Hillary got the Iraq war vote hung around her neck like an albatross where no Republican did? When you have a significant portion of the population wondering why Obama didn’t do anything about Katrina, it’s clear that Dems will manage to be blamed for anything , even the messes they were left behind that they were in the middle of fixing.