
Stunning Finger-Style Virtuosity: Matteo Mancuso, "Havona"

Citizen K1/25/2020 12:47:06 pm PST

CL’d as many others were, so…:

re: #108 Jebediah, RBG

Although you are right about which part of your comment is the most important, I take issue with “most progressive candidate in a generation.” Economically progressive, OK, but that isn’t the only measure of “progressive.”

It’s a reminder of just how much contempt they have for that there “Identity Politics”, which is almost always focused on allowing those whose identities have minimized their voice to, you know, actually have a voice. The ones that decry it the most are usually the ones that tend to have their ‘identities’ catered to the most, after all.

And yet, they’re the ones that are the most desperate to take the mantle of ‘civil rights’ all the while dismissing the folks on the ground working for civil rights the most, because they act like it takes focus away from the ‘real’ threat. Like…listen to how many in the trans community have been basically browbeat and told that their concerns must necessarily be trampled for the sake of the ‘big tent’. Especially by those who have gone out of their way to shitkick the entire Dem party for being ‘Republican Lite’ or centrist and having too big a tent.

Not to mention the whataboutism when they bring up Biden and his nostalgia for the olden days of the senate and former segregationist colleagues…you know, like those weren’t heavily called out by the very people calling this shit out. But no, Biden isn’t perfect, Warren isn’t perfect, therefore Sanders must immediately get a pass forever and anon because he is the closet to perfect or some shit.

And it looks like Sanders is actually reaping the rewards of this shit wholesale from the lovefest he’s getting from most mainstream reporters and rising polls. So…fine, fun, fan-fucking-tastic. The marginalized are getting kicked to the side again and stomped back into the corner because fuck it, the votes really don’t matter, do they?

EDIT: Minor typo fix