
Cory Wong Live in London: "Flamingo"

William Lewis5/25/2024 11:42:19 am PDT

re: #9 Nerdy Fish

Ah, Lisp. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.

Lisp was merely what was the hammer and nails of that time. They’ll say the same in 30 years about whatever the script kiddies are writing OpenAI in now.

The real point is that AI is, as is was in the 80’s, 90, 00’s & 10’s not really anything special, just a bunch of heuristic algorithms at best with a bit of sales critter moldy baloney on top. It will melt down again, the process has already begun (see the comments by Google) and it’s only a matter of how fast not if. Then the burned will go off an whimper for a couple of years whining “why me?” until they decide on the new sales critter language and the grift starts over again.

The real advances in Computer Science happen by accident: Unix (they wanted to play Space War), BSD (ATT didn’t understand Unix), Apple I (Woz wanted _his_ idea of a computer and only Steve cared if it sold), Linux (Linus got tired of the limits of Minix), and so on. When they try to be grandiose - it goes to hell in a hand-basket. See Multics or AI or Twitter 😉