
The Creationist in Charge of Texas Education

Jetpilot11013/09/2009 3:08:09 pm PDT
You ask why I’m so passionate about this? I don’t want America to lose its scientific soul.

No sir, you are passionate because it puts you on the front page of newspapers. In your quest for 5 minutes of fame you not only damage the witness of Jesus whom you claim to serve, but also fail to realize that should your agenda pass, it will forever alter the teachings in the classroom. Have you ever once stopped to think that maybe your crusade to push religion into the science classroom will be used by other religions to push their beliefs? Do you want your child learning the Muslim or Hindu version of creation? My advice to you is to read your Bible, examine your heart and honestly try to admit your true motivations. I believe you will find that the cause of Christ is not on your heart but you are hijacking it to push your own radical agenda. I implore you, stop this nonsense and quit damaging the witness of so many Christians for your own benefit.