
Supreme Court Rules Against Sotomayor, For Saudi Arabia

NY Nana6/29/2009 10:06:47 am PDT

re: #1 EmmmieG

!. Wahoo.

2. Bummer.


But the ruling re the sodding Sauds? This is, at the very least, a disgrace. I wonder if they, too, are in the Saudis’ pockets? They spit on each and every victim of 9/11, their families, friends, and on the First Responders, who gave their lives, and also who are both physically and mentally scarred from that day, which I will never be able to forget. We have not gone into NYC since, and there are kids growing up here, in the suburbs, who lost either one or both parents…

The verdict is obscene.

Re Sotomayor? Bet this will not stop her getting on the Supreme Court.