
Friedersdorf's Letter to Goldberg

Randall Gross11/07/2009 8:02:09 pm PST

re: #7 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The Eagles QB?

People oft get the two Confused…
Randy Howard “Duke” Cunningham

bigtime Socon who figured he could get away with stuff as long as he was doing Jesus’ work.

# Making a comment about gay Congressman Barney Frank, where he called the rectal examination for prostate cancer “just not natural, unless maybe you’re Barney Frank.”[15]
# Displaying his middle finger to a constituent and “for emphasis, [shouting] the two-word meaning of his one-finger salute” during an argument over military spending.[11][16]
# Suggesting that the Democratic House leadership should be “lined up and shot” — a call he’d previously made about Vietnam War protesters.[11]
# Referring to gay soldiers as “homos” on the floor of the House of Representatives when he said backers of an environmental amendment were “…the same people that would…put homos in the military.”[15] Congresswoman Pat Schroeder asked if he would yield the floor, but Cunningham told her, “No, I will not.” When Congressman Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, attempted to object, Cunningham said, “Sit down, you socialist.”[17] He later apologized for his comments.[15]
# Getting in a shoving match with Congressman Jim Moran over sending troops to Bosnia. After Cunningham fled, Moran found him crying in the cloakroom.