
Wednesday Night Music: Ben Folds Five, 'Philosophy'

Walter L. Newton2/03/2010 7:13:58 pm PST

If it wasn’t for the fact that I am a thoughtful, kind and caring sort of guy, some of the customers that I encounter at the thrift store wouldn’t last 10 seconds with me in an elevator.

When someone buys a something like a used couch, it’s not one of these deals where I send an order back to the warehouse or something and the “pull” a couch for the customer.

No, I have to take a 4 wheeled appliance dolly out to the floor, tip the sofa up on its end, shove the tongue of the dolly under the edge of the sofa and then tilt the whole 8 feet of the sofa back on the dolly. This is done right in the aisle, among rows of used chairs, sofas desks, dressers and so on.

It’s amazing. You will have a customer walking down the aisle while you are trying to perform this juggling act, you, the 8 foot long sofa (a sofa/sleeper is even more fun) and a dolly… and they will look you straight in the eye and with the most sincere face, ask you “Am I in your way?”

No, you fucking idiot. You’re not in my way, if you consider the ultimate shopping experience is having this used hunk of worn junk end up slipping off this dolly and up ending itself and you ass-wise onto the floor.

Am I being too sensitive?