
ADL Opposes Park51 Community Center

Aziz Poonawalla7/30/2010 11:42:10 am PDT

I can almost excuse the ADL in one sense, though. They are a *Jewish civil rights organization* and perhaps from their perspewctive the civil rights and security of the Jewish community is stronger if those of the muslim community are lessened.

I am not saying I agree or am not profoundly disappointed. But i have to admit that the ADL’s reason for existence - the Holocaust - does reasonably cause their focus to be on Jewish persecution. The purpose of teh ADL is to protect Jews; muslims cant expect other people to do heavy lifting on our behalf.

This is a failure of the muslim community first and foremost. Blaming the ADL is pointless here. Anyway, have muslim orgs ever taken a stand against persecution of jews? sometimes, yes, but hardly consistently.

civil rights are tribal. Thats the reality.