
Religion = Politics at BeckFest 2010

jaunte8/28/2010 8:35:13 pm PDT

‘Tithes not taxes’ is a political message, and so is describing the government as playing the role of Lucifer.
From Glenn Beck’s radio program, May 5, 2009:

“…the secret is nowhere in the Bible does the ‑‑ do any of the apostles or Jesus say give all of your money to the government. They gave it to their church, and the church, nowhere did the apostles say we’re going to take it from members of the church. They, keyword, shared everything they had.”

( and later in the same program )…

“…did Jesus say when a man asks for your shirt, you give the government your coat, also, and have the government give that coat to the man? No. The government is a middleman. The government is acting in the role of Lucifer. They are taking stuff from you. They are forcing you ‑‑ yes, I did, I did just say, yes, the government is the devil. They are taking your choices from you.”