
9/11 Families Ask Pamela Geller to Cancel Protest

iceweasel9/03/2010 9:45:14 am PDT

Geller’s psychological issues could no doubt keep several doctors busy for several years, but one has always stood out to me: her fetishistic love of violent death and especially the violent death of women. She fairly revels in it and the most gruesome images she can find, she loves the notion of female ‘martyrdom’ —-and most of all she’s in love with herself as ‘speaker for the dead’.

This surfaces whether she’s raising money for a tombstone that a girl’s family doesn’t want, posting gruesome images, lingering over graphic descriptions of violence, —one of the binding themes is that Geller is somehow specially entitled, specially in tune, with what the dead really want and deserve.

Don’t expect her to have any compassion for the real victims or their families if it upsets her agenda— any more than she cared about the girl’s family’s wishes in that ridiculous tombstone crusade.