
PBS Photo: Polar Ice Cap 2000 vs. 2010

Interesting Times1/02/2011 5:17:52 pm PST

re: #7 elizajane

This has gone beyond the “roll your eyes at the right” genre and right into the “feel sick in the stomach at how we’ve f***ed up the planet” genre. At least for me. I can’t feel outrage directed at anybody except the entire developed world on this issue.

I feel plenty of outrage at the fossil-fuel fossils who’ll be dead before the worst comes, so to hell with everyone else. And while they’ll blabber endlessly about “hurr hurr, it’s still snowing in winter, climate change is a hoax!”, you’ll get nothing but *crickets* about something like this:

Record warm temperatures start the new year in Ontario and Quebec

New Year’s Day brought the warmest January 1 on record to Toronto. Mild temperatures also dominated northern Ontario, Ottawa and Montreal.

January 1 temperature records were broken as southern Ontario climbed above around 10C. New records included: Toronto (12C), Hamilton (11.1C), Windsor (11.3C), Goderich (12.1C) and Collingwood (11.5C).

That’s 54F. In Toronto. In January.