
Video: Are Cosmic Rays Causing Global Warming?

BigPapa9/18/2011 1:35:21 pm PDT

And a Denier Zombie has shown up in the book review:

If not for Climategate the world would not be aware of the fact that a core group of activist climate scientists intentionaly «hide the decline» of their IPCC temp data in order to make the false claim that the earth’s temp was increasing consistent with their global warming computer models. Anyone who pointed out their obvious deception was villified and smeared as there was no logical way they could honestly explain their dishonest manipulation of the data. Moreover the Optimum Medieval Warming Period (from the 9th to 13th century where temps were warmer than todays) has never been fully explained by the AGW true belivers. Most recently, the CERN scientists have confirmed that cosmic rays influence clouds that impact global temps which HAVE NOT been factered into the AGW computer models. So the bottom line is the so called AGW «science» is far from settled. Instead of smearing the AGW skeptics. the IPCC climate «scientists» should start acting like real scientists and use the scientic method to prove their AGW theories instead of computer models that use false data to «prove» their theories.

Pretty sure the moron didn’t read the book, didn’t understand it, or outright denied the review of Climategate.

And Lakely provides the concurrent narrative of the same mindless rhetoric but in a nicer suit with a bowtie, providing a thin sheen of credibility over the rotting stench of intellectual dishonesty.