
Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

CuriousLurker11/30/2011 10:24:41 am PST

re: #14 Sergey Romanov

> and I seriously doubt he’ll ever be released

If the doctors are convinced that he is finally healed, I don’t see why not.

Maybe it’s just my American way of thinking. If Timothy McVeigh had been ruled insane, I can’t imagine that he ever would have been released and been able to survive for more than a couple of days. The hate for him was too strong—I think someone would have killed him.

I could be wrong though, and maybe Norwegians are different in that regard.

It’s happened before. An instance in Canada comes up (can’t remember the name, but Obdi knows it).

Really, an instance of mass murder like that? Maybe Obdi will pop in.