
Video: America's Alarming Science Decline

Kragar1/26/2012 3:43:25 pm PST

Pro-life nutjob blames Obama for not letting him show aborted fetuses during the Super Bowl

Randall Terry, Democratic Candidate for President, is pursuing legal recourse to compel NBC Chicago to obey the law, and run Mr. Terry’s Presidential Campaign ad in Chicago.

Mr. Terry states:

“Heck, if the dead can vote so easily in Chicago, why not give dead babies a voice too?

“We invite the media to see through and report on what is happening…

“We ran ads with dead baby images in eight states; CNN breaks the story about our ads during the Super Bowl; Obama’s people decide to suppress our campaign; Obama’s people tell NBC-Chicago to stonewall; someone in power is promising NBC cover; the Chicago Tribune is pretending this is not happening (by being silent as a dumb dog); and we have been forced to obtain attorneys.

“We have spoken with several lawyers today, who are ready to compel NBC to obey the rules of their FCC license. Since NBC is flagrantly involved in a ‘willful’ and ‘repeated’ refusal to run our ads, we will request the FCC compel them to run the ad, as well as bring punitive sanctions against them. [See law below regarding “willful” and “repeated”]

“We already have TV ads bought and paid for in over a dozen markets to run during the Super Bowl, and in pre-game shows. We will not rest until we prevail in Chicago. The babies murdered under Obama’s policies deserve a voice in the Illinois primary, and we will provide it for them.”