
Rush Limbaugh's 'Apology'

mr.fusion3/03/2012 3:39:10 pm PST

First, let me say “WOW.” As devoid of an actual apology as this non-pology is, I never thought I’d see Limbaugh even issue a statement this half hearted. He’s clearly feeling the heat…..not just from advertisers but I think ClearChannel needs to have a real discussion about whether or not they want to keep giving this guy his platform.

That being said, it’s not good enough. He called this innocent woman a slut in front of 30 million people. We’re way past the tipping point now with Rush. I’ll tell you this…if I worked for ClearChannel in any capacity at all I don’t know if I’d be able to continue. I’ve known some of the sales people at ClearChannel in the past and they are overwhelmingly young women. How could someone continue to sell advertisers on the Rush Limbaugh show in good conscience?