
Paul Ryan Running Away From Todd Akin

Kragar8/22/2012 11:25:42 am PDT

Bryan Fischer fails again:

If he loses this race, it will be the fault of party poobahs, not Todd Akin. One of the party leaders actually suggested last night that the GOP try to run a third-party challenge to their own candidate. That would be a certifiably guaranteed way to forfeit victory to the opposition. You can ask Bill Clinton all about that.

Akin’s words, for which he apologized even though he had no need to, were right. He was entirely correct to say that pregnancies in cases of forcible rape are rare. Even if the exaggerated figures of the pro-abortion medical community are accurate, pregnancies due to rape amount to just 0.005% of all pregnancies. That’s rare in anybody’s book. Because of the horror of assault rape - which ought to be a capital crime again in the U.S. as it was for most of our history - we can be grateful for that.

Unfortunately for the nattering nabobs of negativism who think Akin is some kind of medical Neanderthal, the London Daily Mail has a headline story TODAY which has this as the very first paragraph: “Stress can make women infertile, research has revealed. Scientists found that those with high levels of a stress hormone stop ovulating and are therefore unable to conceive.”

Who look like the dumb ones now?

That would still be you and Akin, Bryan.

The article you are bragging about, “Stress may be causing infertility in women”, is a study about long term stress, usually over their jobs and other life issues, which has affected their long term ovulation patterns, not the sudden stress and physical reaction to an assault.