
Anti-Muslim Demagogue Pamela Geller's Firehose of Hate Speech

HRH Stanley Sea4/20/2013 7:15:35 pm PDT

Change of subject! Finally saw my stabbed friend. He is very very lucky. They nipped his liver & small intestine. Surgery to repair & in the hospital for a week. Scarred for life both ways, but he’s home & on road to recovery thank dog.

So other than how horrible this all was, the interesting part was the newspaper reported that he was jumped by 4 Mexican gang members after being confronted outside the bar. Real story is 2 guys, one ex-marine were with him inside bar. They followed him out & tried to rob him. The bar & the other people there lied to cover themselves & let the guys leave. Using the good ‘ole So. Cal standard: Mexican Gang.

What a bunch of shit.