
And Now, the Benghazi Talking Point Bombshell That Isn't

Romantic Heretic5/10/2013 1:27:01 pm PDT

re: #112 Christopher’s Bitchins

Does the GOP even have an endgame for this or are they just taking it day by day? SOMEONE in the party must know this isn’t getting anywhere.

Their endgame is that the American people realize that all political philosophies save nativist conservatism are bankrupt and evil. They rise up and drive out all impure influences. A single party state is then formed and the proper people hold power forever.

The new America will then impose freedom on the rest of the world whether the rest of the world wants it or not. Probably not because if they were smart and good, they’d be Americans.

Then pigs fly over the world shitting gold and life will be wonderful until Jesus returns.

The difference between me and a wingnut is I can think this stuff up, but I know it’s an insane fantasy.