
Overnight Animated Short: Once Upon a Candle

kirkspencer2/03/2014 7:22:57 am PST

re: #140 GunstarGreen

With the cheetohs and soda, it wouldn’t matter how much you exercised. Sedentary or not, when you’re doing 2K cals without even touching real food for your ‘real meals’, you’re putting on weight.

As for winter exercise? Not as fun as going outside certainly, but you can do calisthenics just about anywhere that you can fit a human body. Pushups, situps, jumping jacks; it’s how I’ve been getting through the winter.

re the ‘doesn’t matter how much you exercise’ line, no.

Years ago I was eating 5500 calories a day (plus/minus a few hundred) and did not gain weight. Some of that was junk. It is, by the way, why I’m rather conscious of the intake/outgo formula. Because my first balloon was when I quit doing that job and found it hard to cut back the intake.

But if you’re in near-constant motion for 12-14 hours a day that includes bursts of high intensity effort, you’re going to burn a lot of calories.