
Overnight Bad Lip Reading Remix: "Sing-Song Contest of America"

Dark_Falcon5/24/2014 7:01:33 am PDT

re: #148 Justanotherhuman

Listen up, Republicans. This is a no-brainer.

Obama: US must do more to care for veterans

“In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama is drawing a connection between Memorial Day and the scandal over allegations of misconduct at Veterans Affairs hospitals.

“Obama says recent weeks have shown how much more the U.S. must do to ensure veterans get the care they deserve. He says it’s a sacred obligation and one of the causes of his presidency.


“In the Republican address, congressman Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania is promoting a Republican water projects bill that Congress passed this week. He says it demonstrates Republicans’ focus on jobs and government accountability.” More

On that last, yeah, right. It took you almost six years to cooperate with Dems, now they’re crowing that it was all their own idea, even though Pres Obama has been pushing infrastructure funding since he was elected.

Reform is surely needed, but the disaster in Phoenix was not caused by lack of funds, it was caused by dishonest management first and foremost. A great deal of money that could have been used for care of veterans was misappropriated for things like interior decoration.

Structural reform of the DoVA is needed above all, and that Republicans can and should take the lead on. I’ll be back later to discuss how.