
The Dublin Guitar Quartet Performs Philip Glass String Quartets

The Ghost of a Flea12/14/2014 11:23:26 am PST

re: #146 Kryptik

It’s all about the desire to punish over the desire to protect.

The idea of ‘better to condemn 100 innocent men then let a guilty one go free’ being virtuous and strong, while ‘better to let 100 guilty men go free than to condemn an innocent one’ being somehow weak, unmanly, and thoroughly cowardly.

I say it again. We are a nation of cowards who’ve been convinced that our cowardice is bravery.

It’s more of a “better* to condemn 100 innocent** men then let a guilty one go free***”

* for certain values of “better” that involve convenience and faster delivery of a warm, slightly groin-tingly sense of self-righteousness and being a tough guy. Sort of like drinking booze from containers with a wide mouth.

**who aren’t really innocent because they’re the the wrong color, nationality, or otherwise just Not Of The Body. I mean, EVENTUALLY they’ll be guilty of something. Like, their lunch smells funny and most of them are really far away and thus not entirely real people.

*** but sometimes the guilty guys just need to be let go free because who else would you go golfing with. And sometimes they meant well; like they say, you can’t make an omelet without jamming hummus up someone’s ass.