
Trump Barred From Speaking to NYPD Officers, Then Says Police Commissioner Is Lying

Nerdy Fish7/08/2016 3:52:51 pm PDT

re: #148 A Mom Anon

Well, I’m about done with human beings.

Someone I’ve known for 30 years just shared a bullshit post on her facebook page which goes a little like this:

A black guy (who wrote the post in October of last year) gets pulled over for a tailight that’s out. He has a concealed carry permit and a gun in the car. He interacts with the cop, tells him about the gun, there was a small paperwork glitch, was polite, etc, and so on and the cop was nice to him and let him go on with no problem therefore, no cop has ever fucked with a black guy unless he was a rude, vicious, drug dealing thug. The end. And no cop ever does anything wrong in White Girl Land and we all can live happily ever after. GAH! (very convenient story too….)

Or something. I also notice she’s all gun humpy now because her new boyfriend is and he got her a Glock for her birthday and they go to the range together every weekend on a date because it’s sexy or bonding or some shit.

I swear, I don’t think I have any friends anymore. Except my dog.

I’ve seen that exact same post on about half a dozen of my friends’ walls over the last 6 months. I pretty much know it by heart. I wonder if it’s actually even true.